Linji gwida għal użu kurrikulari tal-filmati animati Id-Denfil

Bħala parti mill-inizjattivi biex jinħolqu riżorsi edukattivi animati bil-Malti, id-Dipartiment tal-Malti jixtieq jgħarraf lill-għalliema tal-primarja li fis-sit elettroniku ittellgħu għadd ta’ riżorsi marbuta mal-filmati animati tas-sensiela popolari Id-Denfil.

Dawn il-filmati, barra li jistgħu jintużaw għal skop ta’ rikreazzjoni u divertiment, għandhom iservu wkoll bħala riżorsa għat-taħriġ tal-istudenti f’għadd ta’ ħiliet fil-Malti. Għalhekk inħolqu kampjuni ta’ riżorsi u qed jingħataw ideatu suġġerimenti kif l-għalliema jistgħu jużaw dawn il-filmati animatifil-lezzjonijiet tagħhom biex jgħinu lill-istudenti jilħqu għadd ta’ kisbiet differenti tal-Malti skont is-sillabi tar-4 u 5 sena tal-primarja.

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Active Citizenship – Webinars for Year 8 to Year 11

The Social Studies department within the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes is once again collaborating with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ to offer a series if webinars to Middle and Secondary School students. This year’s running theme is ‘Active Citizenship’ and the subjects chosen are directly related to the Social Studies

Year 8: Demokrazija I.S.S.A.
Year 9: Nikkontribwixxi I.S.S.A.
Year 10: Nikkontribwixxi I.S.S.A
Year 11: Nikkontribwixxi I.S.S.A

These sessions will be streamed live to students via MS Teams. The Social Studies teacher is to facilitate the streaming session in his or her classroom respectively.

Schools are to appoint a contact person (details to be included in the application) so that Aġenzija Żgħażagħ communicates with the indicated person to make the necessary arrangements. Bookings will be accepted on a first come first served basis and are to be made on the following link:

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ will be in touch with the person concerned three days before the booked date to re-confirm all the arrangements. Further information about the sessions can be found on the Information Leaflet here:

Serje ta’Taħdidiet Onlajn Għall-Iskejjel

Heritige Malta ser tkun qed torganizza serje ta’taħdidiet onlajn għall-iskejjel. Dawn it-taħditiet isiru minn rappreżentanti/għalliema li jaħdmu ma’ Heritage Malta via Microsoft Teams. It-taħdita iddum bejn tlett kwarti sa siegħa.

Dawn it-taħditiet isiru bil-Malti, iżda jistgħu jsiru wkoll bl-Ingliż. Din l-informazzjoni għandha tiġi indikata fil-formola tal-applikazzjoni. Sabiex tibbukkjaw ibagħtu email fuq u jew ċemplu fuq 22954323. Il-booking tiegħek ma jiġix aċċettat sakemm tasal email ta’ konferma minn Heritage Malta.

Tista tniżżel l-iskeda tat-taħdidiet billi tikklikja hawn:


Sessjonijiet Virtwali għall-Istudenti tal-Lingwi

Id-Dipartiment tal-Lingwi Barranin se jorganizza serje ta’ sessjonijiet virtwali lil studenti tal-lingwi tas-7 u t-8 Sena li huma nteressati li jużaw il-lingwi b’mod aktar attiv u li lesti li jiskopru dwar lingwi differenti minn dawk li huma familjari magħhom. L-istudenti li għandhom għal qalbhom xi lingwa jew oħra huma għalhekk imħajra li jinagħqdu ma’ studenti li jitgħallmu lingwi differenti u jattendu għal serje ta’ webinars marbutin mal-lingwi. Dawn il-webinars ser jittrattaw aspetti dwar il-lingwa, l-kultura, l-użu u t-tagħlim tal-lingwa u jipproponu attivitajiet li bihom l-istudenti jistgħu jużaw jew ikabbru l-għarfien tagħhom fil-lingwa barranija partikolari li tkun qed tiġi ppreżentata lilhom. Ser ikun hemm sessjonijiet fuq iċ-Ċiniż, il-Franċiż, il- Ġermaniz, l-Għarbi, it-Taljan u l-Ispanjol, kif ukoll xi lingwi oħra li ma’ jiġux mgħallma fl-iskejjel.

Fis-sessjonijiet l-istudenti ser ikollhom ċans jiżviluppaw ħiliet plurilingwi u jieħdu sehem f’attivitajiet diversi permezz tas-sessjonijiet offruti lilhom. Is-sessjonijiet se jsiru kull nhar ta’ Tnejn, jibdew fit-22 ta’ Novembru 2021, bejn l-4:00 u l-5:00, fuq MS Teams. Wieħed mitlub ġentilment japplika hawn: Għal aktar informazzjoni wieħed jista’ jikteb fuq jew iċempel fuq 25982902.

L-Investigaturi tal-Mużika

L-Investigaturi tal-Mużika – part of the MPO’s continuous efforts to bring music closer to younger audiences – is an edutainment series of 15-minutes episodes delving into aspects of orchestral music. 

Introducing Allegra and Strauss, the two inquisitive young investigators seek to discover this genre through a number of set missions forwarded to them by ‘the expert’. Their adventures cover a wide range of subjects: composers, instruments, techniques, and genres amongst others.  

Allegra and Strauss meet The Scientist, who explains to them scientific principals involved in creating and listening to music.

This project is presented in collaboration with The Ministry of Education

DANIEL CAUCHI Artistic Director

More online work from SNC Attard Primary School – KG 2

During these last couple of weeks Ms. Ruth’s and Ms. Miriam’s students, at St. Nicholas College Attard Primary School, were busy learning from home.  The children carried out various activities which were both fun and educational related to the Dinosaur theme and Easter time.  These included sequence games, colouring eggs with food colouring, following up on a story, ‘What’s inside the Easter Egg?’ and fun with letters.

Hands-on Maths Activity from Home with Dingli Primary School

The students of Yr 2 at St. Nicholas College, Dingli Primary School, participated in a hands-on Mathematics activity in their homes. They practiced multiples of five using their hands, under the supervision of Ms. Kimberelene, who is working from home with them. The children put paint on their hands and made handprints on a piece of cardboard paper; then they counted and wrote the multiples of 5. The children had fun whilst learning although being stuck at home! Thank you to the parents for their on going support to make online learning possible and FUN! 

Online Hands-On Maths Lesson at Baħrija Primary School

Flexibility and adaptation is the key especially during these times. Watch the students of Year 4, Baħrija Primary School, during a hands-on Maths lesson about capacity. Lesson was held online with Microsoft Teams.

A big WELL DONE to our educators and students for all their work, and their parents/guardians for the cooperation and support!

Online Teaching and Learning – Kindergarten 1 Attard Primary School

The Educators and students of KG 1 at Attard Primary School have been busy engaging in online activities during the past week and a half of online teaching. Just because the schools are physically closed, it does not mean that learning cannot take place, too! Click on the video below to watch a sample of our students’ work – chosen from KG classes of Ms. Alexandra, Ms. Martina, Ms. Naomi, Ms. Romina and Ms. Sandra. We will upload more work in the coming days 🙂

A big WELL DONE to our educators and students for all their work, and their parents/guardians for the cooperation and support!