Sharing of Good Practice – Erasmus+ Opportunities for Educators at Rabat Primary School

Educators from St Nicholas College, Rabat Primary School were invited to share their Erasmus+ Mobility experiences during the monthly Council of Heads Meeting. Eight heads of school from our College, the Head of College Network, Education Officer for Curriculum and the College Support Officer attended the presentations.

Ms Bertagna, Ms Doreen and Ms Suzanne shared their participation in an Erasmus+ Job Shadowing Mobility in Dublin (more information about this mobility can be found at: Erasmus+ Job Shadowing Experience in Dublin.

Ms Marica, on the other hand, accompanied a group of 3 Primary School Students at a co-ed school, also in Dublin.

Ms Kirsten and Ms Noemi had the opportunity to participate in an Erasmus+ Course in Barcelona, offered by the Europass Academy of Creativity – Barcelona. The Course – Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: New Methodologies, Effective Motivation, Cooperation and Evaluation Strategies – provided engaging activities that allowed participants to learn how to boost motivation, establish classroom rules, provide clear instructions, monitor, develop rapport, incorporate pair and group work, and gain tips for encouraging students to reflect on their own classroom behavior.

The participants also shared presentations about their experiences, which will be further disseminated in all schools. You can click on the links below the download a PDF version of the presentations:

Job Shadowing – Dublin

Pupil Mobility – Dublin

Erasmus+ Course in Barcelona

The activities presented were very well received by all the attendees at the Council of Heads. These mobilities were made possible thanks to St Nicholas College Erasmus+ Accreditation Funds, Co-Funded by the European Union.

Erasmus + Sharing of Good Practice During Council of Heads Meeting – April 2024

Teachers, Students & SLT from SNC Mgarr Primary School have recently attended two different mobilities thanks to St. Nicholas College Office of the College Principal – Malta Erasmus+ Accreditation Funds. Teachers, together with their pupils participated in an Erasmus+ exchange in Krakow, Poland, and SLT participated in a Job Shadowing exchange in Ljublijana, Slovenia. The participants gave a presentation during the monthly CoH in order to share their experience will all the College Heads of School, the Head of College Network and the EO Curriculum.

The teachers and students prepared a presentation to share their experiences. Click on the following links to learn more about their exciting experiences:

Job Shadowing – Slovenia

Pupil Mobility – Poland

The mobilities were made possible thanks to St Nicholas College’s Accreditation Grant, co-funded by the European Union.