Students and Educators from Mtarfa Primary School Attend an Erasmus+ Pupil Mobility in Bari

Students from Mtarfa Primary School were accompained by their teachers, Mr Steve and Ms Silvana, on an Erasmus+ Pupil Mobility in Bari, Italy. The students visited the Istituto Margherita, where they were warmly welcomed by the Head of School, teachers and students. The Italian students had prepared cards and welcome notes for our Maltese students.  It was a great welcome indeed!

Istituto Margherita is a very large school which includes Kindergarten, Primary and Middle school.  It has a church, a science lab, a theatre and even a cinema!

Our students participated during the French Language lessons, Arts and Crafts, Computer Lab session and even a digital treasure hunt. Our students on the other hand had prepareda PowerPoint about the Maltese Culture and Traditions.  The Italian students were very curious and asked a lot of questions about Malta! Both the Maltese and the Italian students had also prepared presentations about their respective educational systems (the Maltese and Italian systems) and both sets of students enjoyed learning about each others’ experiences.

In their free time, students also had the opportunity to visit Polignano a Mare, Bari Vecchia, Alberobello and Grotte di Castellana.

Our students enjoyed this enriching experience immensely. Here is a Power Point Presentation that they prepared with the help of their teachers:

Our experience – Erasmus Pupil Mobility to Bari

These mobilities were made possible thanks to St Nicholas College Erasmus+ Accreditation Funds, Co-Funded by the European Union.